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Prostitution in Greece is Legal & Illegal Page 1

Havent got that desperate yet and hope I never do, but hear its inexpensive, about 60 EU a trick.

Female prostitution is legal with periodic medical checks administered by state appointed doctors. Brothels exist in Athens and other cities but are rarely alluded to. Same with escort services. Certain newspapers advertise openly; both in, and out calls. Male prostitution is illegal. Why pay for something you can get for free?

Harry's Note to Men: Greece is crawling with attractive women from all over the world, in summer especially. Of course there are never enough oriental women to satisfy me.

The Greek male is perhaps the main customer of ladies of the night, a few of whom are employed against their will. They are called trafficked women and are lured to Greece with promises of jobs as waitresses or what have you and upon arrival, robbed of their passports, beaten and made to work in brothels. Greece has the worst record in Europe for failing to combat this issue. Bravo!

Also strip bars should be avoided as they are clip joints and will rip you off for drink prices etc. Never give them your credit card! Athens'Metaxourgio area is the so called red light district and nothing like Amsterdam. Also the areas south of Omonia Sq. in Athens and south of Platea Victorias in Athens as well.

Good News for sex workers: Tourism will bring thousands of potential customers looking for hookers, whores, whoores, what have you. Business will improve vastly as foreigners will likely pay more than the legally set price for various services.

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