Objects from minor sites from the entire main Palace period and after (1700-1300 B.C.) such as sacred caves and villas and including the larger Ayia Triada complex. Malia jewelry including the famous bee pendant -a marvelous piece of gold jewelry showing two bees depositing honey into a comb, the honey depicted as a golden disc around which the bees are hovering. There are also other gold animal necklaces, rings, and pendants from Malia. Three stone (steatite) vases from Ayia Triada, the finest of which is is known as the 'Harvesters' Vase', which depicts harvesters returning from the fields led by a long-haired, oddly-dressed character with a long stick, and musicians accompanying them. The others show scenes of boxing and wrestling matches, and some official transaction. Bronze figurines include worshipers leaning backward in some ritual gesture. Enormous bronze cauldrons also included, made from metal sheets and nailed together with rivets which were discovered at Tilissos, the excavation of which was preceded by discovery of the cauldrons. Large copper ingots also found in this room.
Finds from Palace at Zakros (1700-1450 B.C.) Includes Rock-crystal rhyton: libation vessel carved from large block of rock-crystal; handle of crystal beads threaded on bronze wire and a gold-encased collar hiding the joining of two pieces. Restored from more than three hundred small fragments. Peak sanctuary rhyton: made of green stone and depicting in relief a peak sanctuary. Wild goats and birds decorate the sanctuary. A bull's head rhyton, smaller than that of Room 4. Miniatures of both stone and ceramic; pottery from peak of floral and marine periods; source materials used by craftsman such as bronze ingots and a huge elephant tusk.
Same period as Room 8, from minor sites to the east. Terra-cotta figurines from a peak sanctuary at Piskokephalo, models of sanctuaries, miniature animals, bronze tools and weapons (Gournia-from the workers' village). Seal stones-- the largest collection in the museum. Intricately carved, and depicting many aspects of life in Minoan times including hunting scenes, religious ceremonies, individual portraits, religious ceremonies, nature. Used to sign letters, to fasten parcels, or perhaps used as amulets.